Tuesday, October 21, 2014

MM: You Never Know

Mormon Message: You Never Know

There's a chance that you'll hear this from me about every Mormon Message, but this video warms my heart. I struggle to think of a better way to put it.

Throughout the whole start I feel irritation with how much pressure the mom is putting on herself. Doesn't she know that she's overbooked?! Then I realize that there's no Dad in this picture - anywhere, and that she is doing everything on her own.

Right about the time that I realize this, her son ends the night with a prayer and says, "we thank thee that we could get all the things done that you needed us to do today" and my perspective again changes. I remember how many times I've broken down, feeling inadequate, and my husband reminded me that next year I won't even remember doing/not doing most things on that day's list. I remember how easy I have it now and that life will get much harder.

Then comes the voice of the prophet, Gordon B. Hinckley and the slideshow like display of the impact she was able to have during that one, hectic Thursday. I just know this was a Thursday. It always seems to be the hardest day. Her son won the science fair, thanks to her taking the time to help him on an already chaotic morning.  Her friend was able to go to her doctor appointment and have the time to grieve hard news before reuniting with her daughter. And one unmentioned success: her son understood that prayers are an important part of the bedroom routine and was willing to say one.

"You never know how much good you do." In this mom's case, those words ring true and if for her, why not for me? I know that I can't or don't always express my gratitude to others for what they do for me and I imagine that the same thing could be said by all of us.

This video gives me hope that I've been a lasting, positive influence for someone out there and makes me want to do more. Maybe I'll take a meal to someone this week, or visit the local veteran's home with Sawyer (older people love babies, right?).

The beautiful thing is that the options are endless.

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